May 27th, 2016 § § permalink

September 9th, 2014 § § permalink
“Many lullabies, sweet as they commonly seem, often reflect dark and sinister meaning. Vigier’s selection from various traditional poems develops throughout the work alongside increasingly more obscure imagery. She delves into the darkness of the night, paying homage to the legends, terrors and the eventual peace that often settles across the night’s span. These images are accompanied by haunting subtleties in the soundtrack, such as the glass bead mobile shimmering beneath the unrelenting violin arpeggios in Kate Moore’s Broken Rosary.” – Music Trust Australia, review by Tamara Kholer 02-2020

A work based on the deconstruction of the lyrics in lullabies of various heritages. Re-contextualizing words and images, I composed an abstract berceuse, around the mysteries, the fears and the peace that come with the act of falling asleep. This project is companion to the program called ‘Close your eyes and I’ll close mine’ that toured around Australia in 2012, with Anna McMichael, violin, Tamara-Anna Cislowska, piano, Isabelle Vigier, video. It is published on Unsounds, 2014.
February 12th, 2014 § § permalink

Kroost! festival. Almere, NL

Doek improvisation festival. Amsterdam, NL

VIDEO intervention during DOEK Festival, may 2014 Kao kids make an unexpected action during a concert session: they pop-up on stage and improvisers Eric Boeren and Benjamin Herman join in.

KAO make & play is a process based creative platform combining visual and physical expression. For kids age 8/13. The participants invent characters, painting big faces on large brown paper bags; these will be the starting point for multiple explorations. Story-making, sound-making, movement and performance, are based on improvisation, observation, dialogue.
Isabelle Vigier (artistic direction/visual artist) Makiko Ito (performer/choregrapher) Anne LaBerge and Jochem van Tol (musician and performers)
KAO has a page for news
photos: Ilse Schrama, Marion de Brea, Isabelle Vigier
September 13th, 2013 § § permalink

The Academy of the Senses, Synesthetics in Art, Science and Education, by Frans Evers
ArtScience Interfaculty Press 2012. 300 pages, english Compilation: Vincent W. J. van Gerven Oei ; editorial team: Vincent W. J. van Gerven Oei, Joost Rekveld, Eric Parren; iconography: Joost Rekveld, Isabelle Vigier, assistant Ludmila Rodriguez; design and production: Isabelle Vigier; impression: Raddraaier, Amsterdam.
August 28th, 2013 § § permalink



New identity for Amsterdam based improvisation festival DOEK. Logo, banners, program booklets, posters + website, and exhibition concept and design.